One Jump

IMG_9252Did u ever take a leap of faith in life? Ever felt like there is complete darkness surrounding you and u are jumping in an unknown because u have faith that u will land in pool of success?
Few years back i went to a local park where they this very long, tiring hiking track, very excited decided to give that thing a try(body aches kept killing for next 4 days though). Almost at the end of that track we had to jump from the platform, quite high from ground level felt like a suicide when I stood there and volunteer told me to jump though tied with harness but still I didn’t understand what will be my one moment when i will overcome my fear and jump, i felt like telling him to push me because I wasn’t ready to jump, I probably won’t ever overcome that fear and be ready to jump but obviously I don’t want a drama at the end of that long track, way above ground level and decided its now or never and i jumped.. next thing that happened was the best part of that track, that fast moving zip line adventure and man i was so thankful i jumped ๐Ÿ˜€
That one jump became one of the greatest lessons for me, sometimes u have to overcome those fears and make that one jump that will lead to the best part that lies ahead. That one jump that will make a bigger change. In life too sometimes we are given choices that seem so hard and initially we are scared but when u take a leap of faith U do realise its for the good. Every single time when there comes an opportunity knocking my door that seem so hard and scary, I now think if that one jump will make the bigger difference, if this is that moment where i should jump!
Why most of us keep sitting on that wooden platform in the hope that someone will push us, why can’t we sometimes choose to act when its the moment.

Your jump can be in any moment as subtle as deciding u are giving that presentation today or having a social anxiety and u decide to enough with it I am walking in that party or teaching a class full of 70 students for the first time or a girl raising her voice against that creepy stalker who has been stalking her for months or against bullies to tell them they don’t control you or your emotions, a wife finally walking out of that door after too much of domestic violence or someone putting a stop to their sexual abuser or probably a jump really from that cliff!

If u ever took those leap of faith or wanna take one please leave a comment! ๐Ÿ™‚

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